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VASER Hi-Definition Liposuction is a cutting-edge body sculpting procedure that goes beyond traditional fat removal to define and enhance your natural muscle contours. Using advanced ultrasound technology, VASER liposuction in Bellevue gently dislodges fat without damaging surrounding tissues, allowing for precise sculpting of areas like your abdomen, arms, and thighs. This procedure is ideal if you’re looking to achieve a chiseled, athletic look with minimal downtime. Dr. George Marosan, a Grand Master Total Definer surgeon, expertly tailors VASER Hi-Def Lipo to help you achieve your desired body transformation.

Dr. Marosan standing in an operating room with a white coat on while he crosses his arms and smiles at the camera before performing VASER hi-definition liposuction in Bellevue

A Total Definer (TD) Grand Master

Dr. Marosan is one of only 17 Total Definer (TD) Grand Master surgeons in the United States, a prestigious title earned through advanced training with Dr. Alfredo Hoyos, the inventor of VASER Hi-Def Lipo. This elite designation recognizes Dr. Marosan’s exceptional skill in body sculpting, where he combines artistic precision with cutting-edge techniques to create highly defined, natural-looking results. His expertise allows him to sculpt your body 360 degrees, transforming your physique into a work of art with unparalleled attention to detail.

VASER Hi-Definition Liposuction

Before & After

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Traditional vs. VASER Hi-Definition Liposuction

Traditional Liposuction

Traditional liposuction is a widely used procedure focused primarily on reducing fat in specific areas of your body. While effective at removing fat, it does correct muscle laxity or intra-abdominal fat or sculpt or define the underlying muscles, often resulting in a flatter appearance. This method typically involves more tissue trauma, leading to longer recovery times and increased swelling. Traditional liposuction may leave you with smooth but less contoured results, lacking the enhanced definition that can create a truly athletic and sculpted look.

VASER Hi-Definition Liposuction

VASER Hi-Definition Liposuction in Bellevue, on the other hand, removes fat and enhances and defines your muscle structure. By using advanced ultrasound technology, VASER emulsifies fat while preserving surrounding tissues like nerves and blood vessels. This allows for precise sculpting and a more chiseled appearance. It can stimulate skin tightening for firmer skin with improved elasticity, even for people with thin skin or stretch marks. Ideal for creating an hourglass figure or a defined, athletic body, VASER Hi-Def Lipo offers more dramatic, natural-looking results.


  • Precise sculpting of muscle contours for a more defined appearance
  • Less tissue trauma, resulting in quicker recovery and minimal swelling
  • Enhanced skin tightening, improving elasticity and firmness
  • Ability to target both deep and superficial fat layers
  • Preservation of surrounding tissues like nerves and blood vessels
  • Ideal for creating natural-looking curves and a chiseled physique
  • Can be combined with fat grafting for comprehensive body reshaping
  • Effective on delicate areas such as the neck, arms, and thighs
a woman standing in sunlight wearing a sports bra and underwear with her face turned into shadow after getting VASER hi-definition liposuction in Bellevue

I Booked my Surgery Date with Dr. Marosan - After breastfeeding, my breasts are a little saggy and deflated especially my upper pole. I also got fat pockets around my stomach, abdomen and back..


BBL: Lipo 360 + fat transfer w/ drains - Dr. Marosan, or Dr. G as I like to call him, is a no nonsense guy about his craft. You can tell he knows what he is doing, he's experienced, and knows his way around body...


So Far, So Amazing! - I'm 4 months postop and couldn't be happier that I chose Dr. Marosan and his staff! I saw 3 other plastic surgeons in Bellevue and Seattle and chose Dr. Marosan because I felt m...


Dr. Marosan Did a Great Job! [Tummy Tuck/Liposuction/Muscle Repair] - After researching dozens of plastic surgeons in the greater Seattle area for tummy tuck/liposuction, I we...


Tummy Tuck, Brazilian Butt Lift and Lipo by Dr. Marosan - It's been over 4 months since my triple-surgery. I've been enjoying tight little dresses, leggings, bikinis and short skirts like a teenager! Dr...


Took time to answer questions. Paid attentions to plastic surgical treatments.

Body Contouring for Women vs. Men

Body Contouring for Women

When it comes to body contouring for women, the focus is on enhancing curves that are cues to reproductive health, strength, and longevity. Dr. Marosan helps create an hourglass figure, defined by a desirable waist-to-hip ratio of 0.65-0.70. This involves sculpting areas like the lower back, chest, buttocks, and calves to accentuate feminine curves. VASER Liposuction in Bellevue and fat grafting are used to amplify these features, creating a balanced, attractive silhouette that highlights a small waist, fuller hips, and a contoured lower back.

Body Contouring for Men

For men, body contouring focuses on defining muscular, angular features that convey athleticism. Dr. Marosan enhances the classic “V” shape, characterized by a low waist-to-chest ratio. This involves sculpting the chest, abdomen, and arms to reveal defined muscle contours. By reducing fat and highlighting muscle mass, the procedure creates a chiseled, masculine appearance. The goal is to create sharp lines and strong angles, producing a physique that showcases your underlying muscle structure and enhances your athletic look.

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Examples of Possible Muscle definitions:

  • Semilunar lines along the abdomen where the obliques meet the rectus muscles
  • “Champagne” line in the midline of the abdomen, highlighting the six-pack
  • Abdominal etching to enhance the natural contours of the six-pack
  • Oblique muscle definition for a more tapered waistline
  • Enhanced definition of the deltoid, biceps, and triceps muscles in the arms
  • Sculpted chest with definition between the latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major muscles
  • Serratus muscles along the lateral rib cage for a defined torso
  • Paraspinous muscles in the lower back, accentuating the spine
  • Venus dimples in the lower back for a toned appearance
  • Gluteal muscle enhancement for a lifted and rounded buttock shape

Plan Your Procedure

Recovery Time
2-4 Weeks
Average Procedure Time
4-6 Hours
Post-op Follow-up
Next Day
Procedure Recovery Location

Visualize Your Results

With Vectra 3D, you can see your potential results before surgery. This imaging technology captures precise, high-definition images of your body, allowing you and Dr. Marosan to explore various surgical outcomes.

During your consultation, Vectra 3D creates a virtual model of your body, enabling you to “try on” different looks, such as enhanced curves or a more defined abdomen. This interactive experience helps you make informed decisions and ensures that your expectations align with the realistic results that VASER Hi-Definition Liposuction in Bellevue can achieve.

an operating room at Bellevue Plastic Surgeons where VASER liposuction in Bellevue is performed

During Surgery

Preparation and Anesthesia
On the day of your VASER Hi-Definition Liposuction, you will arrive at our accredited outpatient surgery suite, where you will be prepped for surgery. Dr. Marosan will administer intravenous sedation and tumescent anesthesia to ensure your comfort and safety. Intravenous sedation will keep you relaxed and pain-free, while tumescent anesthesia numbs the targeted areas and constricts blood vessels, which minimizes bleeding and reduces post-operative bruising. This allows for more precise fat removal and a gentler surgical experience.

Stealth Incisions

To begin the procedure, Dr. Marosan will create small, strategically placed incisions in discreet locations on your body. These incisions, often just a few millimeters in length, are carefully planned to avoid visible scarring and to access both deep and superficial fat layers. By placing the incisions in natural creases or areas that can be easily concealed, Dr. Marosan ensures that your final results appear smooth and natural, ensuring subtle yet transformative results.

Fat Emulsification

Once the incisions are made, Dr. Marosan inserts the VASER ultrasound probe into the targeted areas. This state-of-the-art technology uses high-frequency sound waves to gently emulsify the fat cells. The VASER technology can target fat while preserving important structures such as the nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues. By emulsifying the fat, VASER liposuction in Bellevue allows for more efficient removal with minimal tissue trauma, which reduces post-operative pain and swelling and enhances skin retraction for a smoother appearance.

Fat Removal and Sculpting

Dr. Marosan uses specialized VentX atraumatic cannulas to carefully remove the fat. These cannulas come in various sizes, lengths, and angles—over 30 different types—to allow for precise sculpting of the treated areas. Dr. Marosan sculpts your body to enhance natural muscle contours like the “champagne” line along the midline of your abdomen, a defined six-pack, and more. This helps transform your physique from a simple fat reduction to a highly defined, athletic appearance that highlights your muscle structure.

Fat Transfer and Adjustments

Dr. Marosan may recommend fat transfer as part of your body contouring procedure. During this process, the fat that has been removed is purified and re-injected into areas where additional volume is desired, such as the buttocks, breasts, or even specific muscle groups. The ability to redistribute fat allows Dr. Marosan to sculpt a more proportionate figure tailored to your goals and individual anatomy. After all the necessary adjustments are made, the small incisions are closed with fine sutures, and your body is bandaged.

Who is a Good Candidate for Vaser HI-Def Liposuction?

VASER Hi-Def Liposuction is ideal for individuals with a normal weight or a BMI of 24-26, though those with a BMI under 30 may also qualify. It is perfect for those looking to enhance muscle definition and contour their bodies. Candidates for this procedure often want to reverse or address age-related changes like muscle atrophy, posture deterioration, or unwanted fat accumulation. If you want to achieve a more athletic and sculpted appearance, contact Dr. Marosan to determine your candidacy for VASER Hi-Definition Liposuction in Bellevue.

Dr. Marosan meeting with a male patient about VASER liposuction in Bellevue

After Surgery

After surgery, you may experience mild swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which are normal side effects. You’ll be advised to wear compression garments to minimize swelling and support your new contours.

Light activity, like walking, is encouraged immediately, but strenuous exercise should be avoided for 3-4 weeks. Most swelling subsides within a few weeks, but final results may take 3-6 months to fully appear as your body heals and adjusts. Dr. Marosan will guide you through each step of recovery to ensure a successful outcome.

Additional Services & Pricing

*Includes Surgeon's Fees and Facility Fees

VASER Hi-Def Supine

(Upper/Lower Abdomen, Lateral Chest Wall, Waist, Hip-Rolls, Mons Pubis)

VASER Hi-Def Prone

(Upper/Lower Back, Lateral Chest Wall, Wasit, Hips, Sacral Fat Pad)

Total Body 360 VASER Hi-Def Liposuction/Total Abdominoplasty Package plus Fat Transfer
Male Package: VASER Hi-Def Supine + Gynecomastia with Tissue Excision

(Gynecomastia with Tissue Excision, VASER Hi-Def Lipo of Upper/Lower Abdomen, Lateral Chest Wall, Wasit, Hip-Rolls, Mons Pubis)

Total Male Package: VASER Hi-Def Lipo 360 + Gynecomastia with Tissue Excision

(Gynecomastia with Tissue Excision, VASER Hi-Def Lipo Supine, VASER Hi-Def Lipo Prone)

VASER Hi-Def Lipo Arms
VASER Lipo Neck
VASER Lipo Lower Body (Inner OR Outer Thighs, Knees, Calves)
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Frequently Asked

What Makes Body Sculpting Different From Traditional Liposuction?

Body sculpting with VASER Liposuction in Bellevue is not just about reducing fat; it’s about creating athletic and youthful shapes by enhancing your natural muscle definition. Traditional liposuction focuses on fat removal, often resulting in a flatter appearance. VASER Hi-Def Lipo, however, uses ultrasound technology to sculpt your body, bringing out the muscle contours for a more defined and chiseled look.

How Does Dr. Marosan Achieve Precise Body Sculpting?

Dr. Marosan uses over 30 specialized cannulas—each with different lengths, angles, and shapes—to contour your body with precision. Unlike many surgeons who use only 2-3 basic cannulas, Dr. Marosan’s extensive toolset allows him to sculpt both straight and curved areas, hugging the muscle and bony anatomy to create smooth, natural contours. This precision reduces the risk of complications and ensures optimal, harmonious results.

What About the Use of Drains During Surgery?

Dr. Marosan uses drains to remove excess fluid from the lower back and abdomen after surgery. This is a key step in preventing fluid accumulation, which can lead to internal scarring and poor results. Many surgeons skip this step, but Dr. Marosan’s meticulous approach ensures a smoother recovery and better overall outcomes for VASER Hi-Definition Liposuction in Bellevue.

Does Dr. Marosan Perform Corrective Surgery for Liposuction?

Yes, Dr. Marosan frequently performs corrective surgery for patients who have had poor liposuction results elsewhere. In fact, over 60% of his body sculpting practice involves revising suboptimal outcomes from other surgeons. His expertise in VASER Hi-Def Lipo allows him to correct these issues and deliver the results patients originally sought.

Is VASER Hi-Def Lipo Affordable?

While VASER Hi-Def Lipo may have higher fees than traditional liposuction, the results are far superior. Many patients who have had poorly performed liposuction elsewhere end up paying more for a second corrective surgery. Some undergo procedures like CoolSculpting and SculpSure, which produce minimal improvements, and then need to undergo liposuction. Investing in VASER Hi-Def Lipo with Dr. Marosan ensures you achieve the best possible results the first time, avoiding the need for additional procedures.

What is Fat Transfer With VASER?

During VASER Liposuction in Bellevue, fat can be harvested from unwanted areas, such as the abdomen or thighs, and purified for transfer to other areas that need enhancement, like the breasts, face, or buttocks. Unlike Smartlipo, which destroys fat cells, VASER technology preserves fat, making it suitable for transfer and creating a more balanced, youthful appearance.

Can the Fat Come Back After VASER Lipo?

The fat removed during VASER Lipo is permanently gone; however, the remaining fat cells can still enlarge or shrink with significant weight fluctuations. To maintain your results, it’s important to stay at a healthy, stable weight and follow a nutritious diet with regular exercise. This will help preserve the sculpted, defined appearance that VASER Hi-Def Lipo provides.

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Why Choose
Dr. Marosan?

Dr. George Marosan is one of only 17 Grand Master Total Definer surgeons in the U.S., trained under the world-renowned Dr. Alfredo Hoyos, the inventor of VASER Hi-Definition Liposuction. With years of experience in advanced body sculpting, Dr. Marosan combines surgical precision, artistry, and cutting-edge techniques to deliver exceptional, natural-looking results. His approach ensures your body is sculpted to its best potential. Schedule a consultation to discover how VASER Hi-Definition Liposuction in Bellevue with Dr. Marosan can transform your physique.

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